“Dr. Marcus and the therapists at Brain Mind Harmony are not a participants or network providers for many insurance plans. Initially the patient pay the office directly at the time of service by cash, or credit card (credit card charge includes a 3% bank service charge). We will provide patients with a statement showing what has been paid, and all the appropriate codes which patients themselves can send …”
“Dr. Marcus is available 24/7, only for ESTABLISHED patients in an emergency.
As noted in that voicemail Dr. Marcus can be reached for emergencies by cell phone (texting is preferred). EMERGENCY ONLY phone #: 917-204-5960
(Please note that medications refills is not considered an emergency except due to unforeseen circumstances. Dr. Marcus, will always make sure that …”
Prescription Refill Policy
“Dr. Marcus asks her patients to always have a follow up appointment. Dr. Marcus, provide her patients with enough medications and refills till the next time she wants to follow up with you and asks you to schedule your appointment. If you have an appointment in the schedule, we will make sure that you will have your medications, before any predicted closing the office or any travel of Dr. Marcus. If for any reason …”
“When Dr. Marcus is away, or unavailable, the office can handle routine refills of medications (not controlled or scheduled medications). Dr. Marcus will be reached through the office for clinical emergencies, or she will arrange coverage from another psychiatrist. If it is necessary to visit that other psychiatrist while Dr. Marcus is away, his or her own professional fees and policies would apply to that visit.”
Notice of HIPAA – Patient Privacy
“This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.
I. Introduction
This notice of privacy rules describes how we may use and disclose your protected health information to carry out treatment, payment or health care operations …”
Appointment Cancellation
“We plan on seeing you at the time scheduled. Because this time is reserved solely for you. We ask that you assume full financial responsibility for each scheduled session regardless of whether you attend it or not and regardless of the circumstances that may lead you to not attend any given session. We do understand that circumstances may arise which necessitates the cancellation …”